March 14 : If submitted on paper, EC Sales Lists for February 2014
should reach HMRC by today.
March 17 : Bank holiday in Northern Ireland (St Patrick’s Day).
Companies House Belfast office will also be closed.
March 19 (Wednesday): Budget Day.
Where an employer/contractor makes his PAYE/CIS remittance for the month
ending 5 March 2014 by post, the cheque should reach HMRC’s Accounts
Office by today.
An employer must submit an Employer Payment Summary (EPS) for the
month to 5 March 2014 by today, to be able to deduct recoverable amounts
(Statutory Maternity Pay, etc paid that month, or CIS deductions suffered by a
subcontractor company) from his remittance for that month.
A contractor’s CIS Return for the month to 5 March 2014 must reach HMRC
by today, whether filed online or on paper.
March 21 : If submitted online, EC Sales Lists for February 2014
should be filed by today. Intrastat Supplementary Declarations for February
should also be made by today.
March 22 : Where an employer/contractor makes his PAYE/CIS
remittance for the month ending 5 March 2014 by electronic transfer, the
payment should reach HMRC’s account as cleared funds no later than today.
March 31 : Corporation Tax Returns for accounting periods ended 31 March
2013 should reach HMRC by today. Private companies with 30 June 2013
year-ends, and public companies with 30 September 2013 year-ends, should
file their accounts at Companies House by today.
PAYE administration By today, an employer who uses paper payslips for his
PAYE remittances should have received his payslip booklet for 2014/15.
Business Rates The 100% Small Business Rate Relief for premises in England
with a rateable value not exceeding £6,000, which was to have ended today, has
been extended to 31 March 2015. As before, tapering relief will be available for
premises with a rateable value between £6,001 and £11,999. The Welsh
Government has extended the parallel relief in Wales.
Benefit claims Last day for older people to claim the winter fuel payment for
2013/14. This is not means-tested and may be claimed by almost anyone (man
or woman) who was born on or before 5 January 1952.
April 1 : Due date for payment of corporation tax for accounting
periods ended 30 June 2013.
April 5 : Last day of the 2013/14 tax year.
April 6 : Last day to make full disclosure and payment under
HMRC’s ‘Health and Wellbeing Tax Plan’ for physiotherapists, osteopaths,
chiropodists and other healthcare professionals (other than doctors and dentists)
New rates of Statutory Sick Pay (£87.55 a week) and Statutory Maternity,
Paternity and Adoption Pay (£138.18 a week) come into force today.
April 7 : VAT Returns for the quarter (or month) ended 28 February
2014 should be filed online by today. The relevant tax should be paid electronically
so as to reach HMRC by today.
April 14 : If submitted on paper, EC Sales Lists for the month or
quarter to 31 March 2014 should reach HMRC by today.
April 18 (Good Friday): Second 5% penalty charged if tax and Class 1B
National Insurance contributions in respect of PAYE Settlement Agreements for
2012/13 not paid by today (with an extension until Monday, 21 April if paid
April 18 to 21 (Friday to Monday): Easter holiday. All Companies House
offices will be closed. Strictly speaking, Easter Monday is not a bank holiday in
Scotland, but in practice the banks will be closed.
April 19 : After today, any corrections or additions to an employer’s
RTI submissions for 2013/14 must be made by way of an Earlier Year Update
(EYU) and not by way of a Full Payment Submission.
Where an employer/contractor makes his PAYE/CIS remittance for the month
or quarter ending 5 April 2014 by post, the cheque should reach HMRC’s
Accounts Office by today. HMRC recommends that, because of the Easter holiday,
payments should be posted no later than Monday, 14 April.
A contractor’s CIS Return for the month to 5 April 2014 must reach HMRC by
today, whether filed online or on paper.
April 21 : If submitted online, EC Sales Lists for the month or
quarter to 31 March 2014 should be filed by today. Intrastat Supplementary
Declarations for March should also be made by today.
April 22 : Where an employer/contractor makes his PAYE/CIS
remittance for the month or quarter ending 5 April 2014 by electronic transfer,
the payment should reach HMRC’s account as cleared funds no later than today.
April 30 : An automatic penalty of £10 a day will be charged
where a Self Assessment Tax Return for 2012/13 is filed online after today.
Where a paper Return for that year is not filed by today, there will be a
further penalty of the greater of £300 and 5% of the tax outstanding on 31
October 2013. The penalty can be reduced by filing online instead.
Corporation Tax Returns for accounting periods ended 30 April 2013 should reach
HMRC by today. Private companies with 31 July 2013 year-ends, and public
companies with 31 October 2013 year-ends, should file their accounts at
Companies House by today.